Where to now?

Philip Hacking  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 2005
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By David Devenish
Authentic Media. 223 pages
ISBN 1 86024 537 4

You know where you are in this book from the beginning. ‘The whole purpose of the church on earth is mission’. Thus it begins. Some would cavil and ask about the priority of worship but the statement has merit, and urgently today. The author writes from a charismatic background and this reviewer had his twitchy moments of questioning. Still the quotations come from wide sources to back up the overall theme

There is much from the experience of a local church which earths it well. Yet there is a broad spectrum of biblical content and illustration. Two issues stand out. There is the vexed matter of the relationship between church and kingdom, long debated. In our complex society of mixed cultures and increasing lack of contact with church life and Bible truth here is helpful material for discussion and action.

The other issue stems from it. We live in an age of messy church affiliations where we may be seeing the death throes of denominationalism. Church plants abound both nationally and internationally. In their desperate attempt to be relevant church leaders are encouraging experiment. Where it will all lead is beyond the wisdom of this book and its reviewer. Any guidance is very important and here you will find plenty.

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