Explored moves up a gear

Klaus Green  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Mar 2004
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Study Guide: leader's edition
By Rico Tice & the team at All Souls
Authentic Lifestyle
ISBN 1 85078 523 6
Available at £6.00 from The Good Book Company (0845 225 0880) or via www.christianityexplored.com

That which was already excellent has just got better!

Rico Tice and the team at All Souls have recently launched the second edition of Christianity Explored - the Alpha-style, Bible-based course for those interested in exploring the Christian faith. Those who have already used the original course will value its strong emphasis on the biblical material in Mark's Gospel, its honest and direct dealings with the issue of sin, and its presentation of the need to follow Jesus as Lord rather than just accept him as Saviour.

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