Bill stickers

Julie Skelton  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2004
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By Yvonne Coppock
Gazelle Books. 160 pages. £8.99 (includes photocopying permission)
ISBN 1 899746 18 8

Intended as a working manual for those who wish to use posters as a means of witnessing to the church passerby, this is the sort of book which you would be tempted to flick through first to look at the coloured illustrations. We live in a world ruled by the visual, where we are daily bombarded by images and where children struggle to concentrate without something visual to focus on. The author proposes that the church should seize this opportunity for evangelism, and sets about making her case.

Yvonne Coppock runs workshops for church groups who would like to develop skills and enthusiasm in poster-making, and Prepare The Way With Posters reads as I can imagine her working notes for a session would. I appreciated her style of writing; it is encouraging and persuasive as well as sensitive to those who feel ill-equipped or who might feel such a ministry borders on the inappropriate. She is earnest in her commitment, and both experienced and wise - 'The aim is not to show people how clever we are, but to point them towards God'.

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