The way down is the way up

James Dudley-Smith  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2002
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By John Stott
IVP. 131 pages (+ study guide). £7.99
ISBN 0 85111 257 9

What lies at the very heart of ultimate reality, even of the very being of God himself? According to Dr. Stott, the answer is 'power through weakness'.

This is not, as the title might suggest, a book seeking to drum up candidates for paid ministry; rather it comes as a rebuke (at least it did to me) of all desire for power, all display of competence, all self-reliance. It is not exclusively aimed at Christian leaders either, since it is an exposition of 1 Corinthians 1-4, based on sermons given in various international contexts, including Keswick 2000, and is subtitled 'Biblical models of church, gospel and ministry'. It is short, easy to read, challenging, and heart-warming: it would be great to use, for example, as part of your daily Bible study and would certainly lead you to prayer. There is a study guide at the back with questions to help you think further, particularly about application.

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