For cave men

Peter Oakes  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2001
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By Alex Deasley
Paternoster Press. 341 pages
ISBN 0 85364 786 0

On the shores of the Dead Sea, in the days of Jesus, lay a Jewish community which carefully buried its dead in a north-south direction, with the head propped so as to face east. This contrasted sharply with normal Jewish burial customs. What were the beliefs of this group, that led them into this and many other surprising practices? This book sets out to provide the answer.

The Nazarene College in Didsbury hold an outstanding annual series of lectures in which visiting speakers handle biblical and other topics relating to Christian belief. Paternoster publish the lectures and this is a greatly enlarged and updated version of the 1984 series by the Nazarene scholar Alex Deasley.

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