Robert Dunlop  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Nov 1997
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Oxford University Press. £70.00

The publication of a literary work of almost 2,000 pages, containing over 6,000 entries from over 80 contributors deserves the status of a landmark event. This is a high quality production of encyclopaedic proportions which updates and expands the original Oxford Dictionary of 1957.

It carries substantial entries spanning the thought and developments across the centuries, reflecting ecclesiastical diversity, theological variety and eclectic reflection. The expertise of the main editor, Dr. E.A. Livingstone, who, with the late F.L. Cross, was involved in the 1957 edition, has assured the sort of editorial continuity which yields an abundant literary harvest.

Dictionaries are, by definition, reference volumes designed to impart the maximum amount of information within the scope of limited space. They usually follow an alphabetical order and are thematically bountiful.

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