He earned money fighting - now he is a ministry assistant

Jonathan Winch  |  Features
Date posted:  3 Sep 2024
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He earned money fighting - now he is a ministry assistant

photo: iStock

‘If you ever lose a fight, you’ll have me to reckon with.’

Lucian Dumitrescu’s father was a man’s man, and he had no time for losers. Lucian only knew he had to do whatever it took to be stronger, faster and better trained than the other men he encountered in the back streets of his notorious Romanian neighbourhood. It wasn’t long before he was earning good money fighting – mostly illegally.

And then Lucian encountered Christ - a seventeen-year-old for whom might was right, he came face to face with a man mightier than himself: one who came into this world to bind the strong man and plunder his house. He was taken captive by the one who came to set him free.

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