Outreach is a team sport

Glen Scrivener  |  Features  |  everyday evangelism
Date posted:  1 Nov 2021
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I am a ‘Champion’ and an ‘Enthusiast.’ That’s if you consult some of the more popular personality tests.

On the Myers-Briggs scale (a system for categorising personalities) I come out as a feelsy extrovert who loves big-picture concepts and last-minute ‘preparation’. Add it all together and a Myers-Briggs devotee will slap the label on me: ‘Champion’. That means I will heartily endorse the latest IDEA or BOOK or FILM or GADGET. ‘You’ve got to see this thing’, I’ll say, wide-eyed (while the introverts nervously edge out of the room).

If you ask a fan of the Enneagram (another system for personality types – don’t worry if you’ve never heard of it), I am an ‘Enthusiast’. I’ll wax lyrical about my latest passion, and I will demand to know why it is not your passion also. In fact my enthusiasm requires an echo: If I enthuse you, I need you to be enthusiastic. Why aren’t you more enthusiastic? Why?

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