Waking up to the dystopian world of deepfakes

Date posted:  1 Jun 2021
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Waking up to the dystopian world of deepfakes

Tom Cruise impersonator Miles Fisher (L) was used to generate a deepfake version of actor Tom Cruise (R) by Belgian visual artist Chris Ume.

By Andy du Feu

Want to see Tom Cruise perform a magic trick, joke about ex-presidents, or tee-off?

Posted without any explanation on social media platform TikTok by @deeptomcruise the clips became instant viral videos, with over 10million views in the first week. Only, they weren’t Tom. These deepfakes were highly praised by forensics experts, and pose significant challenges not just for our world, but for gospel witness. Imagine watching ‘unseen footage’ of Billy Graham sharing doubts about Christ as the only way to the Father?

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