Pilgrims’ progress: Friends find focus in Zoom prayer

Date posted:  1 Mar 2021
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Pilgrims’ progress: Friends find focus in Zoom prayer

PFS nursing home, Finborough Court

‘Our Zoom prayer meetings make public and vocal our dependency on God, says Pilgrims’ Friend Society CEO, Stephen Hammersley. Louise Morse tells us more:

Every morning at 8.45 a group of us working for the Pilgrims’ Friend Society (PFS) meet for prayer over Zoom. It’s one of our two main daily prayer meetings: there are others in our housing and homes.

This morning the theme was ‘stones of remembrance’; thanking God for the prayers He has answered. Prayer is the only reason we can see why, in the centre of a region with an alarming Covid spike, one of our larger care homes stayed free of infection while others nearby had multiple cases. And how, at a time when funding for social care is scraping the bottom of the barrel and was not forthcoming for frail, elderly Hilda (name changed), we prayed and now she is happily resident in our Plymouth home.

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