Is it time for Christians to embrace a poverty-busting lifestyle?

Natalie Williams  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 2021
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Is it time for Christians to embrace  a poverty-busting lifestyle?

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There are lots of things I could complain about this year.

I lost almost a quarter of my income in the first few weeks of first lockdown. I live on my own, which means that I went over 70 days without touching another human being before we were allowed to ‘bubble’ and hugs could be reintroduced to my life. When the coronavirus pandemic forced us all to stay at home, I was worried about my finances, my mental health, and even how I would feed myself.

Inconvenience for me…

That last part sounds like a joke, but it isn’t. Last year I managed to go 46 days without cooking for myself, thanks to very kind friends who never say no when I invite myself to dinner. It is no exaggeration to say that, prior to this year’s lockdowns, I would eat with friends typically about five or six times a week. That has reversed now, and has truthfully been one of the biggest challenges of the pandemic for me so far.

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