Laughter in church leadership

Trevor Archer  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2020
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Laughter in church leadership

The former Co-Pastors of Chessington Evangelical in younger years, perhaps? | photo: iStock

Trevor Archer highlights the serious blessings of merriment in ministry

The middle of an epidemic feels a slightly inappropriate time for an article on humour in leadership! However, the Editor was keen to still run with it and I was further persuaded by reading Rachel Jones on a recent Gospel Coalition blog: Three Ways Humour Can Help in Hard Times.

Many things in life are very sad and solemn and always will be – disease, racism and death to name but three. More so, nothing is more serious than the gospel. However, it is vital in leadership to make distinction between taking the gospel seriously whilst not taking myself too seriously. Knowing ourselves, our failings and sins and inconsistences, how can there be a place for self–importance or pretension?

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