Fiction and my other friends

Felicity Carswell  |  Features  |  The secular book review
Date posted:  1 Jun 2019
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Fiction and my other friends

photo: iStock

A flurry of text messages has preceded this cosy gathering. Arrangements, book recommendations, and then gasps and comments as the chosen book has been devoured at varying speeds by the different members of the group.

We are a book group who have been meeting, with various different members, for about ten years. I’ve only just rejoined having moved away, but I’m currently living within reach and was quick to get back into the fray of literary – and not so literary – discussion.

It started with a few of us – friends who worked together – wanting to be motivated to read more. But also, from my point of view, as a means of deepening relationships with people with whom I’d love to share the gospel. It was an opportunity for time beyond our work parameters, but also, as we had a shared reading experience, potential opportunity for meaningful discussion about topics raised within the books. My prayer was, and still is, that these discussions give me space to speak gospel truth into my friends’ lives.

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