What kind of God?

David Gobbett  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2013
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Over 800 students each day in February heard compelling presentations of the Christian faith.

Richard Cunningham (Director of UCCF: The Christian Unions) spoke at the university mission in my first year as an undergraduate in Cambridge 17 years ago, and the student evangelism bug that I caught back then hasn’t left me. So it was especially thrilling to see him welcomed back by the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union (CICCU) to speak at their ‘What Kind of God?’ mission event from February 4-8, alongside Os Guinness (respected author and social critic).

Preparing the ground

As with many Christian Unions around the country, the university was introduced to the mission speaker, before Christmas, when nearly 2,000 students heard Richard speak across the two CICCU Carol services at Great St. Mary’s Church. A specially commissioned Cambridge edition of John’s Gospel and an invitation to the mission events were produced for every undergraduate in each of the Cambridge colleges. All of this — undergirded by many months of prayer and planning — focussed attention on the launch of the CICCU triennial mission.

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