Sorrower's song

David Gibson  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Aug 2010
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Last time we looked at three things the Psalmist was going through during his time of great trouble. These were that he experienced life without living, he faced death without hope and he was asking questions without receiving answers.

So how does the Psalm help us? I have four suggestions:

1. The scream of pain

What I mean here is that the scream of pain is a valid and legitimate expression to God of what it means to be a believer in a fallen world. It is tragic when we think that as believers we somehow shouldn’t feel pain, shouldn’t express it, or should never express how we’re feeling to God. Here the very structure of the Psalm is a lesson for us. In Hebrew, the last word of the Psalm is ‘darkness’. That’s how it ends: there is no happy ending.

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