The Third Degree

Peter May  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Aug 2007
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We should all be deeply grateful to Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harrris and now Christopher Hitchens for putting the existence of God at the centre of public debate.

According to the Guardian, Hitchens’s new book, God is not great sold 4,000 hardback copies in its first week, while Dawkins’s The God delusion sold 300,000 copies in the UK. Hitchens’s sales director is quoted as saying, ‘People find it increasingly hard to marry organised religion with their own view of the world and want a more intellectual, contemporary take on the subject.’

UCCF has now produced four powerful new tools to help the church engage with this modern, militant atheism. The DVDs of the debates earlier this year, where William Lane Craig demonstrated his masterly skills, are now available via UCCF’s apologetics website, Richard Dawkins had refused to debate with him, saying, ‘That would look great on your CV, not so good on mine’, and adding that he didn’t know who William Craig was.

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