John Clayton Doggett, 1917-2006

Clifford Pond  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2006
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We are rightly warned of worldly ambition that blights spiritual growth. But when one of God’s children reaches a high place in society and at the same time walks humbly with the Lord, the angels learn something more, to their amazement, of the power of God’s grace.

This is the best explanation of the life of John Doggett, who died at the age of 89 on Sunday May 7. No surprise then that the funeral service at St. Peter’s Church, Ugley, Essex, on May 15 ended with ‘Amazing grace! How sweet the sound’.

He was made a barrister in 1941. In WW2 he was a major in the Royal Signals and was mentioned in despatches. The secular powers recognised his worth by appointing him CBE upon his retirement in 1977. But when, later, he wrote about these things he said: ‘I have little enthusiasm for this. I have always viewed qualifications in the world as secondary’.

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