Meetings for better understanding

Mike Taylor  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 2005
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Recently I had an opportunity to put a question to Imam Mumtaz, the Imam of Streatham mosque, regarding the Muslim view of the sinlessness of the prophets. The Imam seemed to admit that, from an absolute standpoint, everyone is a sinner. This was the first time I had had an opportunity to speak face-to-face with a South London Imam.

Unfortunately, confrontation is a frequent feature of Christian-Muslim encounter. Therefore, opportunities for such discussion in a friendly atmosphere are rare. Real communication often just does not happen.

Both Islam and Christianity are missionary religions. Christians are obligated by the Great Commission to share the gospel with the unsaved. Muslims are compelled by the responsibilities of da'wah (Islamic mission) to seek the conversion of non-Muslims. This is especially true in the West, since Islamic law forbids long-term residence outside the Muslim world unless those Muslims living in a non-Muslim state engage in da'wah. Younger Muslims in Britainn are particularly eager to share their faith.

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