The conference I shouldn't have attended

Ray Evans  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2004
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I was suspicious, I was sceptical. Of whom? Of what? Bill Hybels, and Willow Creek conferences!

All that I had picked up on the evangelical grapevine told me, 'There's lots to shun and little to learn from this US export'. I picked up my first Hybels book, Becoming a Contagious Christian, with more than a degree of concern. I just knew it was going to be slick; surely it was the 'how to build a super-church the easy way?'

How wrong I was! I discovered a gem. The pastor of a massive church was writing about how each individual Christian needs to keep close to God, to keep relationships with non-Christians, and be able and willing to share the gospel clearly. Sounds easy? But huge numbers of Christians in evangelical churches don't keep those elements in a biblical balance. Here was no 'church growth by simple steps', but a straightforward explanation of biblical principles that desperately need teaching. Perhaps I needed a re-think?

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