The Music Exchange

Simon Pedley  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Mar 2004
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What I used to think...

Ready for some 'Confessions of a Christian Musician'? Over recent years I have had to swallow some pride as several of my most deeply-held assumptions have been exposed by God's Word, and shown to be wrong.

Assumptions can go unquestioned for a long time, and the longer they last, the more unsettling it can be if they are overturned.

(1) I used to think that 'worship' described Christian meetings, particularly times of singing. But verses like Romans 12.1 ff. and Hebrews 12.28 ff. show us that the appropriate response to God's mercy is to give every moment of our lives to God in grateful worship. The Bible calls me to worship at home, at work, on the tube, in the pub - and, presumably, as I meet with God's church and sing his praises. Vaughan Roberts quotes a friend: 'To say "I'm going to church to worship" is about as silly as saying "I'm off to bed to breathe for a while"'.

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