An evangelist's encouragements?

Roger Carswell  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Feb 2003
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I'm often asked if I see any encouragement in my travelling and preaching throughout the country. There are many heartening things happening, despite the difficulties we often face. Christmas events already seem part of the dim and distant past, but my itinerary throughout December illustrates some of the things from the evangelical scene that do my heart good.

* It is thrilling to see groups of 18-21 year-olds organising major evangelistic events which hundreds of their friends attend. This is what university carol services are. Bath Abbey, Coventry Cathedral, a derelict Anglican church in Plymouth, Great Halls in Reading, Cardiff and Aston were packed with students hearing the gospel.

* Sunbridge Road Mission in Bradford has had a remarkable witness over many years. Now the 'red light' area of Bradford has spread to their locality. A year ago the church began providing a weekly meal for the girls of the street and people with drug addiction. Each week there is a Christian message. Over 50 of them quietly listened when I shared the gospel.

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