Our daily diet

Clifford Pond  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 2002
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If it is really true that 21st century Christians are not as spiritually strong and vibrant as they should be, one reason may well be a poor daily intake of nourishing spiritual food.

Our spiritual appetite can be undermined by pre-occupation with entertainment, sport, hobbies or material things.

Furthermore, life today can be very demanding. Pressures of work and family seem to be so time-absorbing and physically and mentally draining that daily Bible reading, prayer and meditation are squeezed to a minimum or lost altogether. Too many Christians seem to survive on the 'spoon feeding' they receive twice or even only once on a Sunday, with perhaps an occasional top-up at a mid-week meeting. The consequence is a loss of ability to feed ourselves, even on pre-cooked meals - material produced by others.

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