St Helen's Bishopsgate, asking questions, and the danger of metaphors

Susie Leafe  |  Comment
Date posted:  12 Aug 2024
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St Helen's Bishopsgate, asking questions, and the danger of metaphors

A recent comment piece in Evangelicals Now suggested that while questions are 'generally good', 'we would be wise to be careful before rushing to critique St Helen’s [Bishopsgate] for their recent Commissioning Service' of lay leaders for roles that will involve Bible teaching and informal sacramental ministry.

Three metaphors were used to justify silencing those who have raised such questions: the confused picture a flotilla of boats can give when tacking; the danger of friendly fire; and the need to break eggs when making an omelette.

Now, it is true that any metaphor will break down when pushed too hard, but it is perhaps worth examining each in turn, to decide whether silence is necessary.

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