Discovering the generous imagination of God

Rachel Redeemed  |  Comment
Date posted:  11 Dec 2024
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Discovering the generous imagination of God

Inside the natural history museum. Source: Flickr | Gene Kasko

I had been meaning to go to the Natural History Museum since my baby was born. I had visions of wafting around a floor before a quick feed on a bench and popping home to conjure a healthy nutritious meal for my family. For those with - or memories of - newborns… laugh, my friends. Laugh heartily.

Anyway, a friend gave me a ticket to a baby sensory class in the marine animals room at the museum and it was the excuse I needed for a scramble over to South Kensington. When we finished up, we were encouraged to explore the rest of the establishment at leisure and, after dragging myself past a piece of pumpkin and butterscotch cake that had its eye on me, I followed my nose and ended up in - a collection of meteorites.

From boredom to inspiration

To be totally honest I felt like I was in something akin to the Indiana Jones library scene with the bookshelves cascading down - there were rows and rows and rows of cases of rocks. Perhaps not the most obvious topic for an article - 'Where is she going with this?' I hear you cry - and honestly I was expecting to be bored. But I was blown away.

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