UCCF: We’ve fallen short

Nicola Laver  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Dec 2023
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UCCF: We’ve   fallen short

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A law firm has been instructed by the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) to review its governance structures.

Simon Day, interim Chair of Trustees, said: ‘We remain committed to ensuring we build an environment for our teams, staff and students that reflects the values of Jesus and His Kingdom. We recognise that some aspects of our culture and practices have fallen short of that and are sorry. We will continue to work on developing a culture where all our staff can thrive.’

The trustees have confirmed in a recent statement that UCCF is working to ‘swiftly’ and fully implement the recommendations in Hilary Winstone’s report following an internal investigation into multiple allegations of misconduct and employment breaches.

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