Navigating Christian freedom

John Woods  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2023
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Navigating Christian freedom

Galatians and the Free Life in Christ (Expanded Version)
By Eugene H. Peterson
IVP. 209 pages. £20.99
ISBN 978 1 514 008 201

My interest was stirred by the idea of an expanded version of this classic published in 1982, the year of my ordination to Christian ministry. 

Eugene Peterson has been a regular feature in my reading these past four decades. As it happens, the expanded bit only runs to a few pages of questions for reflection and a sparkling new Foreword by Karen Swallow Prior, in which she reminds us that what you get with Eugene Peterson is ‘spiritual theology lived’. Traveling Light is well-observed, intelligent, and grounded in everyday life. It is a book that crackles with the lively energy of a writer at home with his subject and in touch with the reader.

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