Evangelical history

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Date posted:  29 Nov 2024
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Dear Editor,

I read Roger Curl’s letter (en November 2024) with genuine bemusement. My thanks to him for his kind opening words. I wouldn’t normally respond to a view expressed simply because it is different from my own, but I feel I must here. Let me make two points.

First, It’s easy to read things too quickly: In my piece on Timothy Dudley-Smith (TDS), I didn’t actually refer to a ‘revival in the evangelical wing of the CofE’ (en September 2024), but to a ‘sense of spiritual renewal in schools and universities’ – too long a story to tell here. Having been at school and university in Scotland in the late sixties and early-mid seventies, I wasn’t following CofE news, so can’t comment on it. The two churches of which I was a member, both with a throng of school and university students, were very different from the ones Roger describes. Ah, yes, the vibrancy of the Jesus Revolution! It reached Edinburgh, as did Arthur Blessitt.

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