Creeping secularism

Steve Fryer  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Apr 2019
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Dear Editor,

In his letter (en March 2019) Richard Carter expresses concern at what he sees as the ‘creeping liberal secularism’ of the EU, with the implication that it is a bad influence on Britain.

Yet, ‘creeping liberal secularism’ is a worldwide issue, not a specifically European one. In fact, when it comes to unbiblical liberal social agendas, Britain is ahead of many EU countries. Germany and Finland, for example, didn’t legalise gay marriage until 2017, and Austria only this year – some years after the UK. The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel – a confirmed Lutheran and one of the most influential people in the EU – voted against gay marriage, as did most of her party, the Christian Democratic Union (could a party with the word ‘Christian’ in its title ever become the leading party in the UK?).

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