Door to door

Steve Hay  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Oct 2014
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Dear Sir,

In reply to Mike Payne’s letter (Sept en ) ‘visiting opportunities’ – I have been conducting door-to-door visiting for 30 years, first in South London, then here in North East Scotland.

Some visits provide, as in the example given in Mike’s letter, an opportunity for befriending and practical help (with the accompanying good witness both to the recipient and to their family/friends) as well as more direct evangelistic opportunities e.g. recently I had the joy of receiving an invitation to the baptism of someone initially totally unchurched when I first called. Door-to-door does work! Over the years it has struck me as the only way to reach every household in the UK (in that not everybody, sadly, has an alternative Christian contact). Why not some en publicity, even teaching, on the subject?

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