Social media is, er, um, what was it?

Darren Moore  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  23 Nov 2024
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Social media is, er,  um, what was it?

Chelmsford Presbyterian Church recently hosted the ‘Behold’ Conference, with speaker Nate Morgan-Locke, the self-described ‘Reformed Mythologist’ from evangelistic organisation Speak Life.

The term ‘Reformed Mythologist’ means he teaches about the intersection between storytelling, theology and culture.

People came from across Essex. The first talk was on ‘The Hero’s Journey’ – understanding how stories are told and how the Apostles’ Creed gives a better story to understand the world through. The second talk was about the attention economy. Social media has taken off and is gaining pace: as a result our attention spans are reduced and anxiety has increased. Morgan-Locke talked about both the dangers to be aware of, but also the opportunities to speak hope into this culture. There was also a bookstall (pictured).

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