Donna departs

Milla Ling-Davies  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Aug 2023
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Donna departs

Donna Jennings has stepped down as the Church and Mission Co-ordinator for the Evangelical Alliance in Northern Ireland. She is leaving to pursue a PHD with the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. 

In her role, Donna sought to equip the church in Northern Ireland to be strategic, creative and bold as they proclaimed the gospel. She served faithfully for four years as the world experienced the challenges of the pandemic, several global humanitarian refugee crises, and the cost-of-living crisis. She wrote several mission resources for the church during this time, including Walk, Pray, Talk a resource to encourage small groups and prayer walks. One church leader who used this said that it had catalysed their church into missional concern for the local area.

‘It has been such a privilege to walk alongside the wider church, praying, teaching, training, lamenting, imagining, responding in faith and faithfulness as God’s people in crazy times,’ Donna reflected.

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