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David Baker  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 May 2018
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East Dean Church | photo:

• Church Society reports that it was ‘glad to approve several hundred new members, mainly from Reform and the Fellowship of Word and Spirit’. Associate Director Ros Clarke said: ‘We look forward to working together with all our members as we move forward with plans for the merger of these organisations.’

• The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse heard from a number of witnesses connected with the Church of England and its failings. General Synod member Rosie Harper wrote online: ‘It will take some time before we know where this will all go. We will get Part Two in June…’

She added: ‘The horror of what we learnt in the three weeks of the hearing is that the Church is run by the sort of people who are prepared to cover up and lie, and who have it within them to protect the institution rather than the very victims they have created. They proclaim a gospel of love and then treat survivors appallingly.’

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