Finding God’s grace in the harder times of our lives

Clifford Swartz  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2021
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Finding God’s grace in the harder times of our lives

David Powlison
Crossway Books. 128 pages. £9.99
ISBN 978 1 433 556 180

The late David Powlison taught (and modelled) bringing the gospel to bear into areas of suffering in life, and the confusion it causes.

An American, Powlison was one of the main drivers of the Biblical Counselling movement which is growing in the UK. He would begin every lecture with an explanation of a hymn, explaining the ideas but also how the phrasing might be directed to God in praise, or to others for encouragement, or to the singer as we remind ourselves of the truth. The hymn would then be sung, Powlison leading in a quite unselfconscious manner unaccompanied by instruments.

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