Reformation giveaway

JEB  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2017
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Reformation giveaway

500 years of the Reformation
By Michael Reeves
10Publishing. 37 pages. £1 each for 25 copies
ISBN 978 1 911 272 489

The Reformation anniversary in October has the potential to be both a great evangelistic opportunity and also a timely reminder to many ordinary evangelicals of the joy of the gospel and what we stand for.

With this in mind, Mike Reeves of Union School of Theology, Oxford, has written a brief and highly enthusiastic booklet recounting both Luther’s great rediscovery of justification by faith alone in Christ alone and the benefits which have flowed from that, not just for the individual, but for society at large, through education, care and kindness. It is written in a Desiring God way with the underlying truth that human beings find true happiness when they find God, trust his Son and live for his glory – so it is tailored for our therapy culture but in a good way. People are not loved because they are attractive, but they are attractive because they are loved by God.

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