Best account of the conversion of a Muslim

Sharon James  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 2016
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Best account of the conversion of a Muslim

A Devout Muslim Encounters Christ
By Nabeel Qureshi
Zondervan. 304 pages. £11.99
ISBN 978 0 310 527 237

‘God, I want your peace. Please have mercy on me and give me the peace of knowing you. I don't know who you are any more, but I know that you are all that matters. You created this world, you give it meaning, and either you define its purpose or it has none. Please, Lord God Almighty, tell me who you are! I beseech you and only you. Only you can rescue me. At your feet I lay everything I have learned, and I give my entire life to you. Take away what you will, be it my joy, my friends, my family, or even my life. But let me have you, O God. Light the path that I must walk . . . If it is Islam, show me how it is true. If it is Christianity, give me eyes to see! Just show me which path is yours, dear God, so I can walk it.’

This book, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, describes how the Triune God intervenes to answer Nabeel Qureshi’s agonised prayer.

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Dear Sir, Many thanks to Ranald Macaulay for his clear, helpful and important article in the March en.

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