Giving an account

Ed Moll  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 2012
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How faithfulness echoes in eternity
By Clint Archer. Day One. 140 pages. £7.00
ISBN 978 1 846 253 102

This book reminds you that the Bible’s teaching on eternal rewards should affect how you conduct your ministry, especially with regard to preaching.

Archer believes that Christians will be subject to a judgment in which they can gain or lose eternal rewards (but not salvation), and that future judgment affects the type of service the saint does in heaven. The application for preachers/teachers/elders is that they are held to account for the souls over which they are called to keep watch. This is a stern warning to all who teach with pastoral responsibility. The second half of the book describes expository preaching, sermon preparation and plural eldership in independent churches.

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