Contemporary contender

Brian Talbot  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 2011
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Servant of the Word and flock
By Iain H. Murray. Banner of Truth. 246 pages. £14.50
ISBN 978 1 848 711 129

This book records the life story of one of the most prominent evangelical ministers in the USA.

It places it in the social and religious context of that country, illustrating how various influences have shaped his ministry over the last 40 years and the contributions he has made to a number of theological controversies over that period of time. The author describes his work as ‘little more than a “sketch”: a full portrait must await a later date and come from another hand’ (p.xii). Although Murray is correct that this book is not a definitive critical appraisal of the ministry of John MacArthur, it is still a substantial work of nearly 250 pages.

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