A 100% prophet

Julia Jones  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2011
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Man of Fire, Man of Faith
By John Cheeseman. Day One. 117 pages. £6.00
ISBN 978 1 846 252 709

This is a great little book for those on the move as it slips easily into a pocket, a handbag or a beach bag.

It would be a useful introduction to the life of Elijah for a young Christian or a good reminder for the more mature. Each chapter is based on a particular Bible passage (it’s a shame the passages aren’t printed in the book). It’s obvious that these were originally preached as sermons as they are full of pastoral insight and practical application. There are lessons from Elijah’s high spots, as well as his very human struggles and through these we see God’s firmness and tenderness. These are seen very clearly in Elijah’s time of dejection and depression, the reasons for this experience are helpfully explored, as are ways for helping those who are having similar experiences.

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