Gospel according to Jack Bauer?

Kathy Cowan  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jul 2009
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By Nick Howard
Authentic Media. 80 pages. £2.99
ISBN 978-1-85078-772-7

Fans of the high-octane Fox TV series 24 will instantly recognise the format of Nick Howard’s little book describing the last hours of Jesus’s life on earth, from the last supper and Judas’s betrayal through to the women’s encounter with the angel.

Sensing the parallels with the modern-day conspiracy and infiltration story, the author condenses the fast-paced narrative of the ‘longest day’ of Jesus’s life into 24 short one-hour chapters. However, where 24’s hero Jack Bauer achieves his fictitious infamy through recognisably worldly and apparently controversial methods, the narrative shows that the real hero of the real events that happened nearly 2,000 years ago was and is the Lord Jesus.

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