Mary Davis  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 2003
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By Bernard Palmer
Christian Medical Fellowship - distributed by The Good Book Company
145 pages. £5.00
ISBN 0 906747 33 3

This evangelistic book, first published in 1996, is now republished by Christian Medical Fellowship with accompanying study guide. It is a straightforward tackling of the questions that many non-Christians raise - for example, Is there a God? Was Jesus just a good man? The author, Bernard Palmer, is a general surgeon by profession.

His material is largely culled from other evangelistic books and includes many classic illustrations and formulations of Christian truth. This is what makes the book both excellent and slightly flawed, in my opinion. It is excellent because the classic evangelistic material (such as C.S. Lewis's 'Mad, Bad, God') is extremely powerful. Yet slightly flawed, because Bernard Palmer does not always quite make the argument his own and therefore may not convince the non-Christian who wants to pick holes in it. When we get his own views as a doctor on the evidence for the resurrection, for example, or the conversations he has had with unbelievers, the material is somehow more striking.

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