Look - No Hands !

Sheila Stephen  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 2000
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By Brian Gault with Helena Rogers
Hodder & Stoughton. 207 pages. £6.99
ISBN 0 340 74636 X

Brian Gault is one of the 480 survivors of thalidomide's use in the UK. He was born with no arms. This book is a great read for anyone from teenage upwards.

Written in a lively and often funny way, Brian's account of his struggle to come to terms with other people's view of 'normality' for people with disabilities is challenging. The book is one man's journey, spiritually, emotionally, and physically to come to terms with disability. He is uncompromisingly honest, and this cuts across any temptation the reader might have to pity him. We really see the person who is Brian, and who says of himself: 'I became convinced that I am not a biological accident with a meaningless existence, but that in his wisdom, God loved me and planned that I should exist.'

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