Mary Davis  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Feb 2000
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By Ralph Venning
Banner of Truth Trust. 284 pages.£2.95.
ISBN 0 85151 764 1

First published in 1675, this Puritan paperback looks at the Christian life from the unusual angle of four 'classes' of Christian: babes, little children, young men and fathers. It takes the form of doctrinal teaching, interspersed with sections of detailed application.

While his basic framework of the four 'classes' is drawn from 1 Corinthians 3, Hebrews 5 and 1 John 2, Venning's material is only loosely related to these passages. Rather than expounding them, he uses them more as a springboard and supports his doctrinal analysis with texts from throughout Scripture. It is not easy to summarise the different sections-particularly the one on babes which is the longest and most diverse. It contains much godly wisdom-I was especially struck by the comments on God's grace and by several challenges to be godly in all our attitudes. He deals more briefly with little children and young men who are noted, respectively for their knowledge of God and their strength. Through modesty, Venning mentions fathers only in passing.

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