The Effective Pastor - the key things a minister must learn to be

George Curry  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 1999
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The key things a minister must learn to be
By Peter White
Christian Focus. 260 pages. £10.99
ISBN 1 85792 120 8

An effective pastor is what a godly minister wants to be. It is also what a serious-minded church member desires for his own pastor. This book, though primarily for ministers, is of value to all Christians. In the space of some 17 chapters, arranged under five main headings, the author seeks to provide a biblical understanding of the work of the ministry.

Peter White, one time principal of the Glasgow Bible College, and currently the minister of a Presbyterian church in Glasgow, ably and graciously introduces us to what a minister is to be before God, among the people, and with individuals. In two further sections, he also provides guidance in the practical spheres of development and outreach (evangelism), and organisation (both personal and corporate). Each chapter begins with either two or three Bible texts or with a Bible text and a quotation or two from an appropriate source. All are judiciously chosen to introduce the theme covered in the pages that follow.

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