From Spiritual Powers To Liberating Grace

Mary Davis  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 1999
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From Spiritual Powers to Liberating Grace:
My personal story by Torbjorn Swartling
Tentmaker Publications. 170 pages.
ISBN 1 899003 22 8

'Zeal without discernment may lead to disaster' (p.5). That is Torbjorn Swartling's verdict on his own experiences with the Faith movement in Sweden in the mid-1980s.

As a keen young Christian longing for a deeper knowledge of Jesus, Swartling was attracted by the supernatural display of power he saw in the movement. Although he had reservations about aspects of the teaching, he suppressed his doubts and for three years was one of the most committed members of the group. It was only through the concerted efforts of family and friends that he came to realise that the power behind the manifestations 'could not possibly have been God' (p.48), and that much of the teaching was dangerously erroneous.

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