Mary Davis  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 1997
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A biography of the co-founder of the Salvation Army
By Roger J. Green
Monarch Publications. 336 pages. £6.99
ISBN 1 85424 380 2

This is the story of a remarkable woman. Catherine Booth's enduring passion in life was to reach the world for Christ and her efforts to achieve that goal make inspiring reading.

Roger Green's carefully researched account of 'the mother of the Salvation Army' describes Catherine's unstinting endeavours to be a devoted wife, mother, preacher, teacher, writer and friend. Quotations from her correspondence and writings give a first-hand impression of her personality, concerns and the way her theological convictions developed. The reader also gets an interesting perspective on Victorian church history: including the roots of the Salvation Army (and the way their activities often shocked the Victorian world) and various aspects of Methodism, Congregationalism and Anglicanism.

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