Mary Davis  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Aug 1997
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By John Goldingay
Solway (Paternoster Publishing)
242 pages
ISBN 1 900507 02 1

After Eating the Apricot is the somewhat enigmatic title of a somewhat enigmatic book.

14 Old Testament stories are retold by John Goldingay, with the intention of 'reaching our imaginations and enabling us to see how (the stories) . . . speak to us' (p.232). Each chapter (apart from the first) takes one or more Old Testament character, e.g. Adam and Eve (Eve is described as eating an apricot, hence the title) and 'tells their story' by means of conversational paraphrase and reflection. The books aims to be a study of how God relates to believers and they to him. In the introduction the author comments on the role of the Bible in that process.

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