Gofors and Grumps - an A-Z of Bible Characters (a set of four books)

Sheila Stephen  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 1996
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'Gofors & Grumps'
An A-Z of Bible Characters in a set of four books
By Derek Prime
Day One Publications
4 books of 40 pages each
£2.50 per book
Book 1 A-F ISBN 0 902548 57 3
Book 2 G-L ISBN 0 902548 58 1
Book 3 M-S ISBN 0 902548 59 X
Book 4 T-Z ISBN 0 902548 60 3

This delightful series of books is written by Derek Prime, a prolific author, previous pastor of Charlotte Baptist Chapel in Edinburgh and well-known evangelical preacher.

They are particularly suitable for children of Junior School age and contain a wonderful blend of sound doctrine with an evangelistic emphasis. Stories of well-known Bible characters come alive as the children are invited to work out whether they are 'Gofors' i.e. going for the Lord or 'grumps' because they are not going God's way. Each chapter is expanded with activity suggestions and helpful explanations of important concepts, e.g. repentance. Everyone in the book has a particular name that tells us something about them, Martha is 'Miss Busy' and the Good Samaritan is 'Mr Kindness'.

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