In Depth:  obituary

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Robin Griffiths: missionary called to glory

Robin Griffiths: missionary called to glory

Michael Griffiths

Robin Griffiths, who served as a missionary in Thailand for nearly three decades, was called to glory on 28 December 2024 after a short illness.

Robin served Jesus in remote jungle regions in west Thailand, churches in his native Isle of Wight, in Send (Surrey), on the beaches and high streets of the UK with United Beach Mission and Christian Answer, and most recently, in Truro, Cornwall. He loved to help people practically, sharing his love of God’s word, and his testimony of the goodness of God.

Gillian Joynson-Hicks dies

Gillian Joynson-Hicks dies

Milla Ling-Davies
Milla Ling-Davies

Gillian Joynson-Hicks, Vicountess Brentford, has died age 81. Lady Brentford had deep evangelical Christian beliefs, a ‘steely determination’ to advance them, and held several influential positions to this end.

Born in Kenya in 1942, Gillian was educated at West Heath Girls’ School in Kent. During her childhood, she suffered from rickets, which, according to The Telegraph, gave her ‘a lifelong fellow-feeling for those who were struggling.’ After training as a chartered accountant, she married the then Hon. Crispin Joynson-Hicks in 1964, bringing up three daughters and a son in Sussex.

Christian businessman Eddie Stobart obituary

Christian businessman Eddie Stobart obituary

Milla Ling-Davies
Milla Ling-Davies

Eddie Stobart, founder of the famous haulage firm and committed evangelical Christian, has died aged 95.

Growing up with Methodist parents in the 1930s, Eddie came to faith himself at a young age. According to The Guardian, at 17, he preached at his local chapel for the first time – finding, as he did, that a stammer he’d had since childhood had miraculously disappeared. ‘God took me by the hand. God helped me to cure it,’ he said.

Giving thanks for the life of Peter Rowan

Giving thanks for the life of Peter Rowan

Milla Ling-Davies
Milla Ling-Davies

On 10 January, over 120 gathered in St Nicholas’ church in Sevenoaks to give thanks for the life of OMF (UK) Co-National Director Peter Rowan, with 900 tuning in online from across the world.

The service included songs chosen by Peter, moving tributes from his children, and an address delivered by Dr Krish Kandiah on 2 Timothy 4:1-8. ‘Peter lived a life of service; just like Paul he can say his life was poured out like a drink offering,’ Kandiah said. ‘He can say that he fought the good fight… but his life offers us a challenge – what will we do?’

A life remembered: Tony Campolo

A life remembered: Tony Campolo

Emily Pollok
Emily Pollok

The outspoken American preacher and ‘Red Letter Christian,’ Tony Campolo died last month aged 89.

The evangelical speaker and author was a forceful influence in the American church and was best known for calling Christians to follow Jesus’ teaching by loving and serving the poor and vulnerable in society.

Philip Hacking: Hugely influential evangelical leader dies

Philip Hacking: Hugely influential evangelical leader dies

en staff

From the Keswick Convention to Word Alive to local church ministry and beyond – it is hard to overestimate the scope and significance of Philip Hacking’s ministry. He died on 6 December with 93 years of life and nearly as many years of gospel ministry behind him.

Philip was born in 1931 into a working-class family and grew up on the terraced streets of Blackburn, Lancashire. He attended the Church of the Saviour, a fairly new Anglican parish. It had a significant impact not just on his life but his ministry with the patterns that were laid down there. Philip wrote: ‘Prayer and Bible study and expository preaching were the order of the day, and I discovered the joy of seeing the treasures of the Bible unfolded’. They would remain the ‘order of the day’ throughout his ministry. He remembered too how ‘as teenagers we were encouraged to lead our own youth groups and to be involved in Christian witness’. Strikingly, at the same time as Philip, three others from the row of terraced houses in which he lived were called into ordained ministry.

Missionary who survived massacre dies age 99

Missionary who survived massacre dies age 99

Brian Davis

A missionary who survived a massacre at a mission station where she was working, many years ago, has died.

Margaret Hayes MBE had to take to the jungle with others where she survived for many weeks before being rescued, having been presumed dead – with a funeral and thanksgiving service being held for her.

Christian Institute founder John Burns dies

Christian Institute founder John Burns dies

Nicola Laver, Christian Institute

Christian Institute (CI) founder John Burn has died aged 86 following a long illness. His death on 25 October comes eight months after the sudden death of CI director Colin Hart in March.

Originally a science teacher, John’s work in improving standards in schools brought him an OBE for services to education. While a lay reader in the Diocese of Newcastle at Jesmond Parish Church, John was invited to be a member of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Commission on Urban Priority Areas.

Timothy Dudley-Smith: A life in three scenes

Timothy Dudley-Smith: A life in three scenes

Julia Cameron


Timothy Dudley-Smith will be remembered best for his rich contribution to hymnody. He is widely-regarded as the greatest modern hymnwriter of the 20th and early 21st centuries. At his 90th birthday celebration, Pam Rhodes, presenter of BBC Songs of Praise, described his popularity as springing out of ‘his understanding of the human condition’.

Remembering Malcolm Laver

Remembering Malcolm Laver

Luke Randall
Luke Randall

Malcolm Laver, General Secretary of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) between 1988 and 1998, has died aged 87. He was a husband, father and grandfather.

Born in 1936, he served as FIEC’s Assistant General Secretary in 1979, before serving as General Secretary from 1988 until his retirement ten years later. During retirement, he helped form the FIEC Pastor’s Association, which he served as Secretary until 2002.

Colin Hart dies suddenly

Colin Hart dies suddenly

The Christian Institute

Colin Hart, founder and director of the Christian Institute, has died suddenly of a suspected heart attack, aged 60.

In a letter to its supporters, acting director Ciarán Kelly wrote: ‘It is with a heavy heart that I am writing to let you know that our director and brother in Christ, Colin Hart, has been called home by the Lord to be with Him in glory.

‘Patient, gracious’ Roger Forster dies

‘Patient, gracious’ Roger Forster dies

Luke Randall
Luke Randall

Roger Forster, the founder of Ichthus Christian Fellowship, has died aged 90.

A husband to Faith and father to three children, he was a well-respected theologian, best known for founding the neo-charismatic Ichthus Christian Fellowship in 1974.

Larry Crabb 1944 – 2021

Larry Crabb 1944 – 2021

Richard Goodwin

Larry Crabb has been a major influence in the Biblical/Christian Counselling movement. Yet often misunderstood.

Many Christians have seen his use of non-Scriptural terminology and quoting secular authors as being suspect. However, Crabb was not an integrationist. Scripture always trumped secular insights.

Matthew Hill

Matthew Hill

Malcolm Lane

1939 – 2021

Matthew Hill became widely known as Home Secretary of the Spanish Gospel Mission and did much to raise the profile of the Mission amongst churches.

Born in the New Forest, he was converted in his teenage years and his life was Christ-centred from that point onwards. It was not long after leaving school that he was accepted to study at Birmingham Bible Institute and on leaving there, he (and Jean, who he had known from their teenage years and who he had recently married) left for the unknown territory of Stockton-on-Tees to take over the running of the Quayside Mission. This was a place of refuge for the homeless and a gospel ministry was also carried on there.

Mary Gladstone 1926 – 2020

Mary Gladstone 1926 – 2020

Julia Cameron

While Mary Gladstone’s name may not be widely known, the fruit of her labours is clearly evident.

As a new Christian at Cambridge, she and her friends befriended an unconverted fresher, Helen Roseveare, later to become one of the foremost missionaries of the 20th century.

Co-founder of MAF dies

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

Mission Aviation Fellowsip (MAF) co-founder, former RAF Flight Lieutenant, and Normandy Landings veteran Stuart Sendall-King, has died aged 98. He was one of the early pioneers to take light aircraft to the remotest parts of Africa in the aftermath of World War II.

Serving as an aircraft engineer during the Second World War and ending his RAF career as Chief Technical Officer at RAF Duxford, Stuart nurtured a growing desire to use aircraft for good – helping to establish MAF in 1945.

Robin Dowling 1946 – 2020

Robin Dowling 1946 – 2020

Geoff Gobbett

Robin Dowling, a well-known former Grace Baptist pastor, missionary and theologian, departed to be with Christ on 31 July 2020.

He will be sorely missed as a much-loved husband, father and grandfather. He served his generation in the ministry of the gospel from the 1970s till fairly recently. Coming from Bristol, he was well known amongst churches there when he took on the pastorate at Salem Baptist Church in Kew, Richmond, Surrey in the late 1970s. He immersed himself in encouraging Grace Baptist Churches, serving the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (South East).

David Preston 1939 – 2020

David Preston 1939 – 2020

Christopher Idle

If it is scandalous that so many Reformed churches have abandoned psalm-singing, David Preston has left them without excuse. His meticulously-crafted metrical versions provide an accurate and truly poetic text of all 150 psalms.

Many are in print, while others await a discerning publisher. Has his Psalm 84, ‘O LORD of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling place’ (to the Londonderry Air) any serious rivals?

Peter Maiden 1948 – 2020

Peter Maiden 1948 – 2020


On 14 July 2020, our dear brother in Christ Peter Maiden met his Saviour face to face. With his passion for exegetical preaching and his shepherd’s heart, Peter leaves a legacy of sharing God’s truth with love and compassion that will live on within world missions.

As the International Director of OM from 2003 to 2013, Peter emphasised the spirituality of OM team members and the importance of God’s word permeating the entire life of Jesus followers. While leading a life of total surrender to Jesus, in both his public and personal life, he demonstrated a quiet steadiness coupled with a visionary passion for seeing the lives of people around the world changed by Christ. Under his leadership and guidance, new ministries developed as part of OM’s growing holistic approach to mission.

David Ide 1935 – 2020

David Ide 1935 – 2020

Jeremy Marshall

David Ide went to be with the Lord on Friday 12 June. David was born into a difficult family situation with an absent father. His family were also Exclusive Brethren and, as a young man, he and a number of others left. These trials all inflicted painful wounds. Yet David’s faith was resilient, and these early experiences created a deep humanity.

David married Marion and they had two children, Julian and Joanne. He then made a successful career in building. Indeed, for a while, David’s office was a Rolls Royce. Yet over time he became more interested in Christian work. He was very involved in setting up Friends International, and he and Marion entertained up to 100 students at a time at their home.