The educational pincer movement

Joshua Kellard  |  Features
Date posted:  1 May 2023
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The educational pincer movement

A pincer movement on families and parents? | image: created using Microsoft Bing AI

The freedom to educate our children is being eroded. Are Christians ready to offer resistance? Joshua Kellard explores this question.

Christians understand that freedom is not ornamental, but necessary for us to flourish as God intends. We see this in the gospel itself, which calls us out of spiritual bondage and into the freedom of knowing and loving the living God. In the Exodus narrative, spiritual liberation is also worked out in the civil sphere, as the children of Israel are delivered from excessive external control (tyranny). Pharaoh’s claim on the children of Israel is exposed as legally illegitimate because the Lord Himself has already laid claim to their lives. They are His.

God’s personal claim on the people of Israel leads us to the heart of a truly Christian vision of freedom: human beings are free to the extent that we can serve and obey the Lord for whom and by whom we were made.

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