Give God the microphone

Christopher Ash  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jun 2009
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Chrisopher Ash explains seven blessings of consecutive expository preaching:

My minister once asked me to interview someone in church, using a hand-held microphone.

However he warned me, ‘This man is tremendously talkative and we need to keep the interview to its allotted time. So, WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T GIVE HIM THE MICROPHONE!’ I held the microphone as I asked the first question and then clung to it tightly as I waited for his answer. All seemed well until, a few seconds into his answer, he said, ‘Do you mind if I take that thing [the microphone]?’ I couldn’t have a public tug of war, so I lamely surrendered the microphone and the interview overshot its time by some way!

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